investment strategies for the world's largest institutional investors
The results of the CIO Sentiment Survey broken down into investment impact and themes
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Survey respondents were more enthusiastic about alternatives than other asset classes, with a net 21 per cent of respondents planning to increase their alternative exposures.
When asked what new assets they were considering adding to their portfolios in the next three years, the largest number of respondents (24 per cent) selected real assets. The broad ‘other’ category tied with fixed income for the second largest number of respondents at 19 per cent, suggesting a growing appetite for innovative and new asset classes that do not fit into traditional categories.
“Allocators still view private markets as the place to deliver alpha relative to public markets.”
Planned Net Change* in Alternatives Allocation
Average % of respondents, 2024
CIO's Planned Net Changes* in Alternatives
By asset class, % of respondents, 2024
% Planning Net Increase/Decrease
Change vs. Last Year
Infra/Real Assets
Private Credit
Private Equity/VC
Hedge Funds
Real Estate
Breaking alternative allocations down further, CIOs were increasing their allocations to infrastructure/real assets, private credit and, to a lesser extent, private equity and venture. But they were decreasing allocations to hedge funds and real estate. However caution remains. While allocations to alternatives are still on the increase, the rate of increase is the lowest it has been in at least five years.
“Allocators still view private markets as the place to deliver alpha relative to public markets,” Cloherty said. “That said, when you get under the hood of a lot of these asset classes, there are levels of concern.
“Clearly the real estate market is in a degree of flux when you think about office and commercial property given some of the risks associated with the return to work, and sales online compared to brick and mortar sales.
”There are also concerns with venture and private equity, particularly valuation mark downs and questions about the IPO market and its ability to drive exits and liquidity, he said.
With banks exiting a large swath of the lending market, asset owners are interested in the opportunities opening up to fill this void, but still have questions about whether the risk parameters are compelling enough to offset the large amount of money flowing into this space, he said.
What new asset exposures are you considering adding to your portfolio in the next 3 years?
% of respondents, by asset classbucket
"Other" Includes:
• Currency management
• Risk management strategies
• China equities
• Long/Short equities
• Inflation-sensitive assets
• Thematic opportunities
• Targeted equity sectors
• Tail-risk hedging